It’s time for my 5th annual contest! Every year it is the most difficult task to narrow down my favorite images to a reasonable amount. In 2012 I shot 187 client sessions which means I had over 5,500 images to go through! I am so grateful to all of my clients for choosing me to capture their families and I am honored to have my work displayed in so many homes. This past year clients have come from 3 surrounding states to have their newborns photographed in my studio in addition to all of the local families in New Jersey. Having my very own beautiful studio in downtown Ridgewood is a dream come true and I am so excited about 2013.
There will be THREE winners!
(1) The client whose image has the most votes will receive a complimentary 11 x 14 canvas or gallery mount of either the image from this contest or an image of their choice from an upcoming 2013 session they have with me. Scroll down to cast your vote AFTER the last image.
(2) The 2nd place winner will receive a $100 gift certificate to put towards a session in 2013.
(3) Leave a comment on this blog post (scroll down under the last image). A comment will be selected at random and the person who submitted the comment will receive a FREE Mini Session!! The winner may either keep the prize for themselves or gift to a friend. The Mini Session will be at the studio in Ridgewood between January and May 1 2013 and you will receive 3 5×7 mini mounts.
For winner #3 one comment per person but earn an extra entry by posting about the contest on your Facebook wall
Voting will begin NOW and end on January 9th at 8pm EST.
IP addresses will be monitored – only 1 vote per person
Results will not be visible on the poll and I will announce the winner on January 9th just after 8pm
Scroll down to cast your vote after the last image
1. Awake
2. Bee
3. Bench
4. Birthday
5. Brothers
6. Cheek to Cheek
7. Bucket
8. Eyes
9. Cuddle
11. Flowers
12. Grace
13. Grass
14. Hands
15. Hat
16. Hug
17. Joy
18. Kiss
19. Leaves
20. Love
21. Mama
22. Max
23. Owl
24. Path
25. Ruffles
26. Scarlett
27. Sisters
28. Smile
29. Vogue
30. Tie
31. Tutus
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I of course LOVE number 3 – bench!! Beautiful picture of my little girl captured by Christie!!!
Picture #3 is adorable, of such a pretty little girl!!
She has a smile that makes your heart melt!!!
Love this moment with Faisal – he looks so small!
So excited to have such a beautiful child become part of our family.
All beautiful photos but #3 is my favorite!! I love this picture of Addison!!
Love my #15! 🙂
Amazing pictures. Of course I had to vote “Hug” for my cutie pies, but all of these pictures deserve millions of votes!! 🙂
Christie, you continue to outdo yourself and I think you may have the best job ever! Thank you for your continued work with our family – #17 is my favorite pic of us. 🙂
Love this photo!
I love this moment captured! #5 is my favorite! 🙂
your work just keeps getting better Christie! absolutely beautiful photos.
shared on FB
#18 is Wonderful! How beautiful to see brotherly love!
Christie these are all awesome shots! If I wasn’t biased I’d have a hard time choosing…but of course I had to vote for my handsome little guy in the bucket shot. Still one of my favorite images of him!
All beautiful images but definitely biased with picture #18. Love those boys! Thanks Christie
Christie, All the pictures look great. I do have a preference though. 🙂
I absolutely love these pictures! by far some of my favorite baby pics i’ve seen. Plus my nephews look absolutely adorable!!!! 🙂
I love LOVE ! What a beautiful photo !
All the photos are simply amazing. The candid shots of children is pure sweetness.
Christie all of these images are beautiful! Of course, my favorite has to be #28 smile. Love that picture of my little man. Thank you for capturing.
My vote of course is for # 18… such a beautiful shot of big bro Dylan and baby bro Max!
Wow! What a difficult decision to make! SO many amazing photos from which to choose. As always, gorgeous pictures Christie!
Christie, you give me fever…baby fever! 🙂
Beautiful images of precious moments!
Kiss 😉
So many beautiful shots, but my fav is #12 of course.
I posted on FB too!
They are all amazing but my great nephew is my pick #7 little Cooper in the bucket!
Your photos are AMAZING, especially #12! 😀
No contest…my handsom grandson, who will become President of the United States once he returns from his historic voyage having been the first person to walk on Planet Mars!!!
Christie takes beautiful and creative pictures and never fails to capture the sweetness in every child. #7 my grandson has my vote but they are all great pictures
You capture the moment beautifully
Brothers is my favorite. What a beautiful pic!
I love #28… The cutest lil baby smile ever!
My vote is for the kiss. They are so adorable.
I love #5 Brothers! So precious!
# 14 is classic! Timeless and elegant. Nice shot!
Great pics, but love number 12, my beautiful niece!
#28 That smile just steals your heart, fabulous!
cute pictures!
Christie, all of your photographs are beautiful! It seems like you have the best models to work with. I must say that my favorite is definitely #14, Hands. That adorable baby girl with that gorgeous hair is my lovely niece. She looks so comfortable and warm in her father’s arms. Not only were you able to capture a picture of a beautiful baby girl, you also captured a wonderful moment between a new father and his first newborn daughter. Thanks to this wonderful picture, that lucky family will be able to cherish that moment of newfound happiness and love forever. Thank You!
Outstanding work Christie!
What a vision you have, all these pictures are amazing.
But nothing like a big brother love moment, the kiss for photo of the year.
Hands………….the best, most unique pic I have ever seen!!!
Spectacular warm smile!!!
So hard to choose ! All the photos are adorable
#14 is gorgeous!
BEAUTIFUL pictures, true talent!
My great grand nephews are the cutest #18
All the pictures are beautiful! It’s a difficult choice. My vote goes to #29, my precious little model!! Thank you once again for your amazing work Christie!!
I never get tired of looking at your work, Christie!! We were very honored to have Emerson’s photo win your first contest and we still have our 11×14 prize displayed in our family room 🙂 can’t wait to see which one wins this year!
I vote for #28, that smile just melted my heart
#2 is one cute little bee.
They are all so beautiful! You are incredibly talented. I love #23, the baby Owl the most!
19 leaves, so cute!
They are all beautiful, but I LOVE, LOVE. She got my vote
#7 is cutest by far!!!
#4 Melanie is a doll, always smiling.
There are so many cute ones it’s hard to pick!!
My gosh it was so hard to choose, you do a beautiful job Christie!
beautifull kids. I voted for #31, she is my favorite
My favorite is #7. What a cutie!
Sisters !
Babies…they sleep, they dream of heaven…they wake, we hold it in our arms.
All of them are just beautiful’nn
Such great pics of adorable kiddos. I love Leaves!
It was wonderful working with you, Christie! You are very talented! The photos of Will and our family are true treasures!
Such beautiful pictures!! Love them all….especially #30!!
It’s so hard to choose!!
So many beautiful pics to choose from! All so cute but went with “smile”
What special pictures. Love #19 – you captured the simple joy leaves can bring to a child 🙂
#20-a beautiful picture of a beautiful baby.
#3 Bench is absolutely beautiful, should be a magazine cover
#24 is adorable!
#28 has a beautiful smile. He reminds me of another little boy I knew.
loved birthday. She radiates joy and I love the color. So hard to pick.
#24!!! Beautiful!
#24 is just as sweet as a summer day!
Wow. An amazing year! So many that caught my eye! Beautiful work as always, Christie!
Vogue #29 is the clear winner! But they are all beautiful!
An incredible collection of photos, but clearly, #24 – Path is the winner. Excellent work!
I can’t believe how much our little #30 has grown!!! He was so tiny!
Love #5 Genuine Brotherly Love!
Brothers, #5, of course. Great job catching a tender and special moment.
These images are truly precious. Each capture a unique moment. Brotherly love #18.
#24 That’s my beautiful girl!! Grammy loves you!
Voted for #3 . . She has electric blue eyes!!!!
Great job. #24 is my girl.
Your pictures truly capture the miracle of life. How beautiful and precious!
The pictures exemplify the innocence and happiness inherent in all children.
#24 is the cutest girl!!!!
Beautiful pictures Christie!!
beautiful series!!
So beautiful! Brothers is my favorite – such an absolutely sweet moment you’ve captured!
#8 is stunning! All beautiful photos.
Your work is awesome, with #5 being my Fav. Looking foward to your magic 🙂
Love these photos!
My pick was Grace – #12 – but they are all absolutely gorgeous. It was a hard choice!
My favorite picture is Max. That look is to die for… love it!! Great pictures!
What truly amazing pictures you’ve captured! Hard to choose, all of them are beautiful shots.
Great photos
I voted for number 3!!! A beautiful picture of my loving granddaughter. Love that gorgeous face!
I also voted for number 3, bench – my granddaughter!! Just love that kid so much!
I loved every single one of these….especially the newborns. I could just imagine kissing their sweet innocent little heads! Vogue is just precious ….I love them all!
It was so hard to choose! I was between #4, #25 and of course #31 but I went with the little girl who made me smile and voted for $4! Gorgeous children, all of them!
As usual christie, all the photos are gorgeous!!! I love the end of the year contests as you know!!! I choose the sisters! I love the clean look with the turquoise and white and I love the look of the photo looking down!!! Good luck everyone!
Love # 3…she is a super cute little girl! Beautiful photo.
Posted on FB
Love love love all of these!! Beautiful children and families!!
What a gift to be able to capture such precious moments.
I vote #30! Precious baby after a long, hard day at work!
We recently found out we are pregnant with twins and so I chose Cheek to Cheek. Just adorable!! All the pics are beautiful.
January 3, 2013
It wasn’t hard to choose. Picture #5 (brothers) is definitely the cutest.
Love the bucket image. Adorable!
Love the pictures you did of my grandson. So beautiful!
I voted for #24, what a sweetie!
impossible to choose one! These are the most beautiful pictures – each one is stunning; each child is so adorable. Wow. Incredible, Christie!
Great work Christie! Voted for Grace.
Beautiful pictures. I voted for 7 bucket
I love all of your photos but the “Eyes” photo really captures thy happy little baby!
this was tough…..but going with #31… it!!!
Although all are great pics, #31 is my favorite!
These are all beautiful, but # 14 is my favorite “hands” down!!
Great pictures! #29 is my favorite!!!
They are all beautiful photographs… But
I vote for #31
I’ve seen beautiful artistic pictures that you have taken of my friends’ children. You capture the essence of love and childhood!
Love all of them, but #31 with the twins in tutus is gorgeous!!!!!!!
All were great, but gave my vote to #5!
Your work is amazing. My vote goes to #31, beautiful photo and beautiful babies.
We are so excited to be included. Thanks Christie!!!
Love them all, but #12 is my favorite one!
#14 Hands .She is so beautiful.Your work is excellent,
Great job, as usual!
Great pictures that really capture a child’s innocence!
Love this picture! They are both so happy here, it warms your heart. Thank you.
The Kiss is my favorite. Those two precious boys are my grandchildren.
I absolutely love the two beautiful girls sleeping so peacefully in their Tutus. So precious!!!
The two precious beauties sleeping in their tutus…!!!
Tutu twins in # 31 are super cute. Although all the babies are adorable my vote is for the tutu twinkies:)
Beautiful pictures, Christie!
Beautiful moments captured so beautifully! Nice job!
So many awesome photos…
Tie between numbers 7 and 16!
The tutu twins are super cute. They look absolutely innocent sleeping. All the pictures are cute, but have to say #31 won me over.
OMG, this photographer is a genius!!#31 is my favorite!! So natural and precious!! 🙂
Beautiful pictures, especially the twins in #31. such a precious photo!!!!!!
I vote for 31 all the way!!! No offense but nothing cuter than my nieces!
Thank you for including a picture of our daughter. #12 grace is my favorite.
Precious photos. Your amazing work will forever be part of so many lives. #14-Hands expresses so many wonderful feelings, comfort, peace, beauty and a parent’s protection and love. Lovely!
Wow, so hard to choose. I must’ve have looked at all the pictures 3 or 4 times and still had a hard time narrowing the choice to one….beautiful pictures!
Love your work! Personal favorite – tutus…adorable
So many wonderful pictures it was hard to choose a favorite. Those families are very lucky to have you to capture those special moments. I love the little girl sitting on the path but picked the hugs picture because it reminds me of my children.
# 31 beautiful photography and cute babies. Adorable!
Love photo #10!!!
Great family.
Melanie, looks like a doll. #4
My vote goes to # 31 the cutest grand daughters.
Family gets my vote!
My vote goes to #31 my most adorable grand daughters.
What a cute family #10 is! My vote goes to them!
Hands Down #31!!!
#30 He is so precious
Now I know the secret to my friends beautiful Christmas cards every year!! Love #27
Such beautiful photos…it’s hard to choose!
SISTERS!!! Love it so much!
#27 Sisters is no doubt my favorite! What gorgeous girls and you captured their joyful faces perfectly!
SISTERS!! #27..simply beautiful!
#27 Sisters!!!!!
Great Pic #27 Sisters!!
WOW!!!!! Every picture tells a beautiful story! Love #27!!
Love all of the oics esp the bucket pic!
Love the smile #28.
Love #27 Sisters the best! All the photos are beautiful.
SISTERS!!! Such a beautiful picture!
Love the family photo
#27-Sisters. Beautiful picture!
I love #27 – sister. The picture is beautiful and the girls are so loving with each other. I also love the missing teeth! 🙂
Beautiful girls!!! I love it!
You capture such beautiful moments. The colors, the smiles, the faces.. They look amazing.
My gorgeous grandnephew, Parker, is my favorite.
All of the children are beautiful !
Excellent photography !
So sweet! Nothing like twins!
#31! Tutu Twins are beautiful
Beautiful work. Congratulations!
Of course, I had to vote for # 12, he is after all, my youngest grandson. That is one of my favorite photos of him…
#10 is gorgeous!
Sisters!!!!! How can you not smile when you see those adorable faces.
Best wishes # 10. You guys are adorable!
Of course I voted for #27 because our cousins are the best!!! But all the pictures are amazing!!
Every picture is a winner, no exceptions, but to capture so compellingly the protective strength and love of a man and woman for a tiny, adorable child, in photo #10, “Family”, it made me stop and and say, “Yes!” this photographer is herself a winner.
#9 is my favorite!!! although they are all precious!
I love my princess #29.
# 13 Gorgeous, soulful eyes – must be our Godson 🙂
Great pictures! #14 Hands is #1!Beautiful!
#27. “Sisters” – smiling, hugging capturing a beautiful moment with 3 gorgeous girls!
Sisters makes me smile and say LOVE!
That’s what family is all about!
I have to go with my adorable twin nieces in photo #6 🙂
I vote for #6 those gorgeous girls!
Christie thank you for capturing our family 3 times in 2012. Your photos are cherished in our home.
#10 just says “family”!
I just love the photo of the three happy sisters in #27!
Love them all! … but Joy makes me smile the most :0)
All the pictures are beautiful! I love them all but the kiss is so cute and touching!!!
All the pictures are great! So hard to choose!
what a tough choice
There is nothing more precious than capturing these moments. These are the kinds of memories that will bring me to tears while I sit and look back at what was our first year together.
Vote for Melanie #4 the beautiful Birthday Child.
Vote for Melanie $4 she looks like a doll
What beautiful photography! I would love to have my trio photographed.
Avery is a special little girl hope she wins
All such beautiful pictures Christie, you are so talented! Such beautiful babies but I can’t get over the sweet little girls in the tutus
The most handsome little fella on this web site, Lucky #7 Cooper. Love ya Grandpa.
Love the picture of my granddaughter Grace
Pictures of God’s most precious gifts to all of us! Thank you for the treasure of capturing these memories! All of these photographs are stunning!
#25 ruffles!!
#3. My adorable Grandniece!
Addison is my super hero! She’s my best friend! #3 for the win!
Thank you for including our baby boy #23.
Great pictures! The Kiss is a wonderful picture of my sons.
Such a beautiful picture of 2 beautiful little girls # 25
#27 Sisters! What a great photo! Beautiful photo anyway you look at it!