Phone Number
Name and age of each child
What are your goals for your session? Please add any other information you would like to include about your family or what you hope to achieve during our time together.
Policy Agreement: By typing my full name in the space below, I am agreeing to policies and terms set forth by Christie Adams Photography. Because it can be distracting and prevents me from being able to do my job effectively, other cameras (CELL PHONE CAMERAS included) are not allowed at the photo session. Galleries will remain online for 1 week. You may place your order using the online shopping cart. Orders will be processed when payment has been received. Due to the custom nature of each session, all sales are final and not returnable. Raw files are not available Unordered images are purged after 30 days. *
All images are copyrighted by the photographer, Christie Adams. It is illegal and unlawful to scan, download, copy, print, publish to the internet or reproduce Christie’s work in any manner or medium without purchasing the images.
Model Release: Christie Adams Photography Inc. owns the copyrights to the images captured during the session on the above date and reserves the right to use the images on her blog/website/business page *
If a subject is under 18, please provide parent/legal guardian signature: I am the parent or legal guardian of the minor(s) listed and agree to this Model Release on his/her behalf: *
Today's Date