Four years ago you were born during a blizzard. You screamed for hours (and let’s face it, basically for the first 4 months of your life). We wondered what we got ourselves into 🙂 Today you turned 4 and it’s hard to believe you once used to cry when somone sneezed. Now you are definitely our “easy” daughter. The one we can count on to be in a happy mood and be well-behaved in public 99% of the time. You are the one who happily thinks a trip to Walgreens is an adventure (and sometimes with your little sister it really is). Last week at Parent Teacher Conferences your teacher said: “Sabrina never has a bad day.”
And it’s true. You wake up each morning with your doggie tucked under one arm, your beloved toy turtle under your other and a big smile and greet us with “Good Morning!!” I hope you never lose your positive outlook and your ability to make any activity fun.
Daddy and I are so proud of how you are with Thérèse. You are concerned when she cries and so happy for her when she learns something new. You sing to her in the car when she gets fussy and hold her hand across the aisle in the backseat and you make her laugh like nobody else can. She is so lucky to have you. And so are we.
Happy Birthday my sweet, sensitive, loving and happy girl!
and a trip down memory lane…
Oh you’re going to make me cry! Sabrina is SUCH a joy, i just love her. Can’t wait to celebrate with her. Happy Birthday!!
LOVE this! She’s a beauty!
love this, love her….got all choked up reading that post!
She is beautiful! What a sweet tribute!
Happy birthday to Sabrina! She is such a lovely little girl. I love her smile. 🙂
Btw, my son will turn 1 year on December 11. He was also born is a blizzard. What a happy day for us though. Nobody even noticed the weather. Babies are true miracles. 🙂
What a beautiful post, i’m definitely teary eyed 🙂
What a lovely little lady!
Happy Birthday, Sabrina! What an awesome little girl. This is beautiful, Christie, and I am of course crying. I know, what else is new? 🙂
what a beautiful blog entry, christie! happy 4th birthday, sabrina!
Happy belated birthday Sabrina!
What a beautiful blog entry Christie!! Made me tear up!
I have to vote for #8… you captured such a beautiful moment with that newborn and his mommy – the way he’s looking at her is priceless. Love it!
oops- somehow i posted a comment in the wrong spot 🙂 sorry!
Ok that made me cry!
They’re all beautiful but I have to vote for #7.
#9 – What can I say — my boy and his boy!!