You are EIGHT!
You spent today doing so many of your favorite things- playing basketball at camp, playing soccer with daddy in the backyard, eating pizza and Dairy Queen ice cream, building a Lego set and riding your brand new turquoise bike!
You love ALL sports and have such a natural ability that we have no idea where you got it from. Maybe it is because you were born while the Olympics were on the TV in the delivery room? With your speed, determination and competitive nature, I have no doubt that you will go far in any sport you choose.
You love to watch America’s Got Talent, Too Cute and Nature Cat. You love Billy Joel and I had so much fun taking you to your very first concert last month (at Madison Garden in NYC!)
You are always up for an adventure and I am so impressed by how well you did visiting museums, churches and historical sites all across France, Spain, Italy and Kauai over our last few summers. I love how we can say “Let’s spend the day in NYC” or “Let’s check out a new hike” and you’ll answer with a resounding “YAY!!”
We are so proud of you and your kind heart, adventurous spirit and the way that you love hard and care deeply.
Happy Birthday Thérèse!